ERNIC Admits Some Justice Staff Complicit In Kidnapping
Maputo, 9 Jan (AIM) – The General Director of Mozambique’s National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), Nelson Rego, acknowledged on Monday, in Maputo, that some kidnapping cases in the country have involved staff from the institutions of the administration of justice.
“We are concerned about the involvement of some employees of the organs of the administration of justice who collaborate in the crime of kidnapping”, Rego said, speaking at a ceremony marking the sixth anniversary of the foundation of SERNIC. The ceremony was held under the slogan: “For a SERNIC Engaged in Strategies for the Clarification of Organized and Transnational Crime, with Focus on Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing and Kidnapping.”
Rego also acknowledged the complexity of solving cases of kidnapping, “given its modus-operandi, and the means and methods used in the negotiation of ransoms.”
In addition to solving several crimes related to kidnapping, according to Rego, SERNIC’s challenge is to stop money laundering so that Mozambique comes off the gray list, since it presents weaknesses in the fight against this evil, according to a study by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
“It is SERNIC’s challenge to combat money laundering, organized crime, and the financing of terrorism, thus contributing to the removal of Mozambique from the gray list”, the director said. Intensive work was also needed to combat drug trafficking and the trafficking in human body parts.
In order to achieve these objectives, he said, the revision of the law on SERNIC should be speeded up, since it will allow the establishment of specialized units that will work in coordination with the central offices for the recovery of assets and the fight against organized and transnational crime.
“We also have, as a challenge, the approval of our first strategic plan for the 2023-2030 period. We must also purify our ranks, work on specialized training for members, and invest in modern technical resources and equipment”, he added.
Interior Minister Arsénia Massingue, who also attended the ceremony, challenged SERNIC to deepen its methods of instigation to ensure a timely fight against terrorism, and those who are financing and supporting it.
“The prevention and fight against crime requires staff who are properly trained to fully exercise their activities, in compliance with the legislation, and with respect for human rights and the dignity of life”, Massingue said.