US Ambassador To Un Praises Mozambican Efforts For Stability
Maputo, 28 Jan (AIM) – The United States ambassador to the United Nations, Linda
Thomas-Greenfield, has recognized the efforts made by the Mozambican government to create an environment of stability and prosperity in southern Africa.
Speaking in Maputo shortly after an audience granted by Foreign Minister Veronica Macamo, she said that the stable environment helps establish security throughout the region.
Mozambican leadership, she added, extends to multilateral institutions such as the United Nations. Greenfield said the US has great expectations of working closely with Mozambique on the UN Security Council.
Last year Mozambique was elected to a two year term as a non-permanent member of the Security Council, for the period 2023-2024. In March, Mozambique will occupy the rotating chairmanship of the Council.
For much of Friday, Greenfield accompanied a group of Mozambican environmentalists in activities to protect mangrove forests in the Maputo coastal area.
“This is a priority for the Mozambican government, but also for the world and for the United States”, she said. Coastal protection projects in Mozambique are supported by the US embassy.
Greenfield added that the US will continue to assist Mozambique in adopting measures to adapt to climate change. She said that, since June 2022, the US has invested about 20 million dollars in such adaptation programmes.
The protection of the mangroves, she said, “is an ideal example of how we can mitigate the effects of climate change, and so I feel proud that I can make my own small contribution to this effort”.