Maputo, 9 May (AIM) – The Mozambican government plans to invest about 13 million meticais (203,000 dollars at the current exchange rate) to build and repair water supplies in Vilankulo district, in the southern province of Inhambane.
According to Carlos Lipingue, Director of Planning and Infrastructures in the Vilankulo District Services, the amount will be disbursed by the government and its partners through a project on Climate Change Adaptation underway in 12 districts of Inhambane, Gaza and Nampula.
“Among the infrastructures envisaged, two are multifunctional and they will be functioning through solar power and seven manual pumps. We will have two new water establishments and the other five will be rehabilitated”, he said, cited in Tuesday’s issue of the Maputo daily “Notícias”. He added that the infrastructures will benefit 7,000 inhabitants of rural zones.
With these water sources, he said, the district will surpass its current 84.26 per cent water supply coverage rate to reach 90 per cent.
The multifunctional systems will be opened in the administrative post of Mapinhane, aiming to reduce the long distances that the population must walk to find safe drinking water.
The Vilankulo district has 235 water sources in the rural areas, but Lipingue acknowledged that many households still walk long distances looking for water.
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