Maputo, 31 Jul (AIM) – The Section for executing sentences in the Maputo Provincial Court believes that the introduction of electronic bracelets may alleviate the overcrowding in Mozambican prisons.
“The law talks about the use of bracelets in order to control the sentenced prisoners. However, due to various factors, the country is not yet implementing this law. If we had this measure, the prisoners could be serving their sentences at home, but in a restricted area”, said Berta Zitha, the presiding judge for executing sentences in the provincial court, cited in Monday’s issue of the Maputo daily “Notícias.”
In order to introduce electronic bracelets in Mozambique, the main challenge lies in the creation of a specific court for overseeing the implementation of sentences.
“Now, we only have some provinces with sections for the execution of sentences: the central province of Sofala, and Maputo province and city. We need a court that can speed up the existing processes”, Zitha said.
“But there are still difficulties to work in the prisons controlled by this section due to lack of resources”, she added.
There are too few staff working in the prisons. “We only have six officials in the provincial penitentiaries”, Zitha stressed.”
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