Maputo, 19 Oct (AIM) – The World Bank will disburse 30 million US dollars for the repair of five reservoirs in the southern Mozambican provinces of Maputo and Gaza, and the central province of Sofala.
The reservoirs in question are behind the Pequenos Libombos and Corumana dams, in Maputo province; Massingir and Macarretane, in Gaza province; and Gorongosa, in Sofala.
The repairs, according to Delário Sengo, head of Water Works and Maintenance at the Southern Regional Water Board (ARA-SUL), will include the replacement of slopes destroyed by the heavy movement of waters, as well as the floodgates and discharge structures.
He also said that the work is focused on repairing the safety and hygiene components, taking into account the correction of damage caused by soil erosion and replacement of some metallic items.
“Right now, the reservoirs are working with difficulties and we must not let the situation worsen”, he said, cited in the Thursday’s issue of the Maputo daily “Notícias”.
Claudina Bebane, coordinator of the Safe Water Project at the National Water Supply and Drainage Directorate, explained that the repairs will respond to damage caused by tropical cyclone Freddy, which hit the country earlier this year.
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