Maputo, 26 Jan (AIM) – The Mozambican government has called on African countries to seek opportunities for continental prosperity in order to quickly achieve the development and economic sustainability in the continent.
This position was defended on Thursday by Mozambican Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane, at the Africa Prosperity Dialogue (APD), a three day event taking place in Accra, under the motto: “Delivering Prosperity in Africa: Producing, Adding Value and Developing Trade.”
“We have come to take part in the continental forum called the African Network for Prosperity, an initiative of a non-governmental, non-profit organization with the intention of seeking opportunities for the implementation of the Continental Free Trade Agreement”, the Minister of Industry and Trade, Silvano Moreno, told reporters.
The initiative, which offers opportunities for the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement, will be attended by heads of state, governments, businesspeople and multinationals.
“The idea is to draw attention to the need for African countries to seek opportunities for their own development. The aim is to quickly reach the levels of development we want, and force the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement in Africa”, Moreno said.
APD 2024, the second edition of this forum, has the special participation of former Mozambican President Joaquim Chissano, as one of the main speakers.
Mozambique has already ratified and deposited the continental Free Trade Area Agreement.
“We are currently working on the tariff offer and we will be able to deliver [the document] before the end of the first half of this year”, Moreno pledged.
The Tariff Offer consists of an indication of how Mozambique will progressively eliminate customs duties on export products.
“African countries, depending on their economic capacity, make different offers and ours will be ready in the course of this quarter and we will then publicize it among the business community so that all foreign trade operators understand what this means”, said Moreno.
The first APD, also held in Ghana in January 2023, was attended by more than 700 African political, economic and social leaders.
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