Maputo, 3 Sep (AIM) – Ossufo Momade, the leader and presidential candidate of Mozambique’s main opposition party, Renamo, on Tuesday promised that, if elected, he will make the police “a republican and professional force”.
Speaking in the town of Insaca, the capital of Mecanhelas district, in the northern province of Niassa, Momade also promised jobs for the young people of the province and access to piped water.
“We shall pipe water to all the houses here in Mecanhelas”, he said. “We shall create job opportunities for the youths. This district is rich and it makes no sense that you should suffer hunger”.
He did not say how a future Renamo government would pay for a piped water supply to every house in Mecanhelas. Even in the most developed parts of the country, such as Maputo, many houses are not connected to a piped water supply.
He attacked the current government because many classrooms are built of clay, and because of the alleged lack of medicines in the country’s hospitals. The solution, Momade declared, would be “the equitable distribution of wealth and opportunities”.
His main rival, Daniel Chapo, of the ruling Frelimo Party, campaigned on Tuesday in Sussundenga district, in the central province of Manica, where he stressed that the main focus of any government that he leads will be agriculture.
He also promised to create a Development Bank which would finance self-employment initiatives for young people. Chapo has mentioned this idea several times in his campaign, but has not explained how such a bank would operate.
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