Biofund To Disburse 16 Million Dollars In 2023
Maputo, 20 Dec (AIM) – The NGO, the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), has approved 16 million US dollars to support the operation next year of Conservation Areas in the public, private and community sectors.
“To ensure the achievement of the results planned for 2023, BIOFUND will continue the implementation of projects geared towards supporting the management, administration and improvement of the enforcement systems of the Conservation Areas, as well as the engagement of communities in the sustainable management of natural resources with an emphasis on environmental education and capacity building of the Natural Resource Management Committees”, a BIOFUND press release says.
Of these projects, the highlights are MozNorte and MozRural (both with support from the World Bank) which foresee initiatives for the creation of new Community Conservation Areas in the landscape of the Tchuma Tchato Program, in Zumbo district, Tete province, in block L4 in the Niassa Special Reserve, Mecula district, and in the landscape of the Chipange Cheto Program, Sanga district, Niassa province.
The other project of note for 2023 is PROMOVE Biodiversity (with support from the European Union) where it is planned to support the translocation of about 200 large animals to the Gilé National Park, the hiring of 30 inspectors and administrative technical staff to support the administration of the Environmental Protection Area of the First and Second Islands (APAIPS) and the installation of a research center on Mount Mabu, in Zambezia province.
The note explains that this project will also support in identifying and financing four community initiatives for income generation in the three beneficiary areas.
“Regarding initiatives to create a favourable environment for conservation, in 2023, BIOFUND plans to intensify environmental awareness actions with the continued holding of biodiversity exhibitions and other environmental education activities”, the document states.
It adds that through the Mozambique Conservation Leadership Program (PLCM), it intends to raise the leadership capacity of professionals in the National System of Conservation Areas (SNAC) with the support of short courses for SNAC employees, motivating and attracting more young people to the Conservation System through the continuation of pre-professional internships, research grants and scholarships for Master’s degrees.
The planned budget for 2023 will be funded by the World Bank at 51 percent, Sweden at 12 percent, European Union at 12 percent, BIOFUND (with own funds) at 13 percent, France at eight percent and the remaining four percent from other donors.
“This funding contributed to the increase in the 2023 budget by approximately two million US dollars compared to the amount allocated for 2022”, the release said.
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