Nampula (Mozambique), 11 Jul (AIM) – Mozambique’s main opposition party, Renamo, on Monday confirmed that its candidate for mayor of the newly created municipality of Mossuril, in the local elections scheduled for 11 October, will be veteran parliamentary deputy Lucia Afate.
Nampula is the province where Renamo did best in the previous municipal elections, when it won control of five of the seven municipalities existing at the time.
It has decided that in four of these municipalities it will run the current mayor for a second term of office. These candidates are: Paulo Vahanle (Nampula city); Raul Novinte (Nacala); Ossufo Raja (Angoche) and Mario Adriano (Malema).
But in the fifth municipality, Mozambique Island, the current mayor, Iahira Chacufa, did not win enough support in the Renamo internal elections to run for a second term. The head of the Renamo list for Mozambique Island will be chosen by the party leadership in the near future.
Two Nampula municipalities, Monapo and Ribaue, are currently in the hands of the ruling Frelimo Party. Renamo has chosen as its mayoral candidates for these towns Pedro Florencio (Monapo) and Joao Salvador (Ribaue).
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