Maputo, 14 Feb (AIM) – The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved an additional five million dollars to support Mozambique’s National Meteorology Institute (INAM), after it granted 40 million dollars to the publicly owned Ports and Rail Company (CFM) for the purchase of rolling stock.
According to Mussa Mustafa, general-director of INAM, cited in Wednesday’s issue of the Maputo daily “Notícias”, these five million dollars will be used for the installation of two more meteorological radars.
“In the coming days, we will launch a public tender in order to select the company, which will be responsible for the installation of the radars”, he said.
The amount will also be used for the construction of INAM facilities in Nacala city, in the northern Mozambican province of Nampula, as well as in Xai-Xai, in the southern province of Gaza.
“The measure intends to reduce the impact of climate change and strengthen the early warning system”, said Mustafa.
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