Maputo, 30 Sep (AIM) – A group of about ten Islamist terrorists murdered a man last Thursday in Naliendele village, Palma district, in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, according to Monday’s issue of the independent newsheet “Carta de Moçambique.
According to the paper, citing local sources, the terrorists have been circulating in some communities in the Palma district since last week. They caught the man and beheaded him. He was accompanied by his wife who managed to escape from the killers.
“This took place in a field near the village of Naliendele, where the victim and his wife were harvesting cassava for family consumption. The incident happened very close to the village, but the wife returned home. I don’t have any more details, but what is certain is that they killed the husband”, said a source named Juma Ali.
According to another source, the case created a lot of unrest throughout the village since it took place not far from the Palma district capital.
“There was fear because people know the brutality of those evildoers. So the whole town was on alert because we don’t know if there were others hiding, apart from the ten who were seen”, the source said.
The sources also said that when information began to circulate about the beheading, fear gripped the residents, and commercial activity ground to a halt.
This incident shows how absurd was the claim made at the weekend by the chairperson of the National Elections Commission (CNE), Carlos Matsinhe, that the election campaign and the voting can take place “normally” throughout Cabo Delgado.
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